Category Archives: 2 Chronicles


“However, when ambassadors arrived from Babylon to ask about the remarkable events that had taken place in the land, God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.” 2 Chronicles 32:31 NLT


As I look through some of my recent journal entries, one word seems to be popping up in almost all of them, distant. Distant from friends and family (mainly because I live in a different country) but also distance from God. I don’t feel as close to Him as I have in the past. It has been weighing on me for a few weeks now.

This morning I had a few minutes before I had to take my son to school, so I decided to read a chapter. I have been on a journey through the entire bible and have made it up to 2 Chronicles. The book is recapping all the Kings, good and bad, that have ruled in Judah and Israel. Hezekiah had put into place some religious reforms to bring the people back to the Lord. As I read about the success of Hezekiah, the chapter closed with the verse above. The last part of the verse is what really hit me, “…God withdrew from Hezekiah in order to test him and to see what was really in his heart.” In the ESV version of the bible it says, “God left him to himself, in order to test him and to know all that was in his heart.” That’s exactly how I have felt lately, left to myself. But as I prayed and really tried to look at this verse, God gave me a different perspective. It says that ambassadors came to ask about all the remarkable events that had happened. I believe that God left him to himself to see what he would say in regards to the miracles that God had done in his life. Would he give God the glory, or would he try and take credit for it.

As I reflect on this verse, I can’t help but be humbled by what God has done in my own life. The miracles He has worked in me, the gifts He has given me, His grace and love.  The truth is that without Jesus in my life, I can do no good. The only “good” is what Jesus does through me, when I allow His living and active word to change me and work through me. When I stop trying to take the glory for His works and just thank Him for all He has done for me. What about you? Are you having a season of “withdrawal”? Maybe this is a good time to stop and look at all the things God has done for us. His miracles, His grace, His love, His mercy. I know for me it was. This one short verse stopped me in the middle of a selfish “all-about-me” season in my life. A “test” to see what was truly in my heart.

I pray that you will give yourself fully to Jesus Christ. Hold nothing back from Him. Give every area, the good, the bad, and the ugly over to Him. Trust me, He can handle it.